







The flight from Narita Airport to Istanbul was very long. On the flight from Istanbul to Sarajevo, I felt anxious and nervous, but also excited. When I arrived at Sarajevo airport, I was very happy to receive a warm welcome from Bosnian students and their families. After we broke up, my partner’s parents drove us home. The scenery we saw from the car window was so different from that of Japan and  that we realized we were in a completely different place from Japan. At the house, they served me a light meal, which I ate. It was something I was not used to tasting, but it was delicious. I am really appreciate for the kindness of my pairs parents. English is difficult, but I am doing my best and communicating well, so I feel comfortable there. I am looking forward to my future life in Bosnia.




今日はボスニアでの活動の初日でした。朝、日本大使館を訪問し、日本大使から非常に貴重なお話を伺うことができました。これまで多くの国を訪問し、各国の大使館を経験された大使からは、異なる文化を持つ人々との関わり方、文化理解を深める接し方、そして言語を学ぶことの重要性についてお話いただきました。これからの異文化交流の中で役立つ視点を多く得ることができました。 次に、サラエボ第3高校での学校生活を体験しました。生徒や先生方に非常に温かい歓迎を受け、ボスニアの伝統的なダンスや歌など、多くのパフォーマンスを楽しむことができました。また、昨年や今年、この交換留学プログラムに参加した生徒たちの発表を通じて、彼らが何を学び、どのような体験を得たのかを知ることができました。今年の参加者の話では、日本とボスニアの文化や価値観の違いについて具体的に触れられており、私自身も日本の魅力を違った視点で発見することができら異文化の新たな発見を感じ取ることができました。さらに学校では化学と物理の授業にも参加しました。化学の授業では、生徒の意見や疑問を大切にし、実際の行動を促す先生の姿勢が印象的でした。学ぶ過程での実験や試行錯誤が重要視されており、学びの主体性の大切さを学びました。また、日本とボスニアで学んでいる内容が共通していることに気づき、異文化であっても授業を通じて繋がりを感じることができました。その後、各家庭で作られたボスニア料理をみんなでいただきました。特にパイ料理が多く、ボスニアではこれが主流であることを知りました。さらに、ボスニアでは1日2食が一般的であると聞き、日本の1日3食という習慣との違いに驚きました。食文化の違いを通じて、国ごとの生活スタイルの特徴を深く理解できました。夜には、異文化を示しながら互いを理解し合うことを目的とした劇の練習がありました。普段は異なる言語や文化を持つ私たちですが、劇を成功させるという1つの目標に向けて意見を出し合い、協力しながら練習を進めました。この過程で、違いを超えて共通の目的を持つことが互いを理解し合う鍵であると実感しました。ボスニアでの初日は、文化の違いや共通点を深く理解し、それを通じて繋がりを感じた1日でした。



Today was the first full day in Bosnia for us. First in the schedule for us was to visit the Japanese embassy. It was an intriguing and incredibly helpful experience to be able to talk with the ambassador who has interacted with many people of different cultures. There we were able to learn many valuable mindsets and things to keep in mind such as how people can get a better understanding of a culture through learning it’s language or how we should interact with people during the stay here to get the best out of it. Next we went to Treća Gimnazija where we were met with a very warm welcome from their students and faculty. We were able to experience many traditional performances as well as hear about what the Bosnian students from the previous and current exchange took away from their stay in Japan. One thing I was surprised about was how improvisational or spontaneous things can be here; I was invited up to the stage with my pair and had to perform an unexpected speech. It really made me aware of the importance to be able to formulate ones own ideas and emotions into words quickly and still have it be articulated well enough for the message to reach the audience. Overall the event made me realize even further of the importance of this exchange in both a diplomatic and experiential sense. After the event we were able to join and see what they do in their physics and chemistry classes. It was interesting to see how they had been doing practically the same experiments and learning the same things. This really showed to us how even in different cultures the knowledge that we acquire can be a great connection. We were also able to go around several classes and conduct presentations. The group I was in was in charge of presenting Japanese culture in which we had an activity of folding origami ninja stars. Seeing that many students were enjoying this activity, I was really glad. I felt the these activities where one can teach another about traditional culture is an amazing way to build a connection between each other so it was amazing that we could do it. After this we ate a lot of traditional Bosnian foods that the mothers of this exchange had made for us, which I truly am grateful for as it was all amazing. We were all surprised at the difference in meals here; apparently they eat a heavy breakfast and lunch around 3pm and no dinner in most cases. We also had the chance to move around in their gym where many students were also able to experience rock climbing. We also danced a lot including the one we did at the Bosnia festival which was fun. Finally we practiced for a play that will happen soon, both centered around cultural differences between Bosnia and Japan and conveying the message of acceptance and understanding across different cultures. It was a day full of cultural experiences and new discoveries, which surely will help step up our remaining days of this exchange.



今日は、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナのヴィソコでたくさんの歴史や文化に触れ、心に残る一日となりました。この国が持つ多様な宗教や人々の暮らしについて学び、感じることができました。 朝は「ボスニアのピラミッド」とその地下洞窟を訪れました。洞窟の中は空気や水がとてもきれいで驚きました。日本の研究者、江本勝さんの「水の記憶」の話を聞き、自然や科学が文化をつなぐ可能性を感じました。 その後、カトリック教会、イスラム教のモスク、正教の教会を巡りました。それぞれの建物には独特の美しさがあり、信仰や文化の違いを感じました。カトリック教会では「他の宗教についても勉強することが大切だ」と教えてもらい、心に響きました。 博物館ではボスニア特有のお墓「ステチャック」の歴史を学びました。このお墓は当時の人々の思いや価値観を伝える大切な遺産だと感じました。 夜はコンサートに参加しました。「君が代」や「さくら」が歌われ、特に「さくら」は心に響きました。私たちが歌ったものよりも堂々としていて、感動しました。コンサート後、ボスニアの子どもたちが「こんにちは」と日本語で話しかけてくれて、一緒に写真を撮ったり、温かい交流ができました。 最後はペアの誕生日パーティーに参加しました。最初は緊張していましたが、みんなが気さくに話しかけてくれて、楽しい時間を過ごしました。ボスニアや日本のことについて英語でたくさん質問され、交流の楽しさを実感しました。 この先もさらにたくさんの出会いや発見があると思うと、とても楽しみです。 



Today we visited Visoko, a city in Bosnia and Herzegovina and we learned many aspects of Bosnian history and culture. First, we visited the pyramids and the underground tunnels. I was surprised by the clean air and the temperature inside the tunnels. The temperature was 12.5 degrees celsius and it felt warm when we got in there. It was great to know that Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher was talked about when it came to talking about the water sources. I felt a connection between Bosnia and Japan through here. After that, we visited a variety of churches of different religions which was a Catholic Church, Islamic Mosques, and an Orthodox Church. It was interesting to know about the key factor of each religion and what they thought was important the most. For example, in the Catholic Church, a student mentioned that they have to learn many other different religions and not just about catholic religion. This made myself re-recognize the importance of having a wide range of view and understanding. Next we visited the museum. We learned about how back then the water sources were wealthy and it made leather industry grow. We saw cloths and shoes made out of leather and we also learned how the styles of the cloths and leather identified their own religion and country. Also, we learned the history Stećak which are monumental medieval tombstones. They had different patterns which made them identify which grave was theirs. In Japan, the Bosnian students gave us a chance to make Stećak out of clay with us and we made a hand-size Stećak. I was surprised of the size since it was huge than I expected. Last but not least, we visited a classical concert. They played the national anthem of Japan and a cultural Japanese song named Sakura. The powerful voice of the performers and the harmony of the instruments touched my heart. In Japan, we also had a chance to sing Sakura during the Bosnian festival, but the level of their dignified performance reached a higher level than our singing. I was genuinely really happy that they performed a Japanese song. After the concert, we had a chance to talk to the Bosnian kids and they were very open-hearted and friendly. I want to keep on taking communication and having a good time, but at the same time, I want to make sure to have a more deeper understanding about Bosnia.






On December 30th, we had the honor of visiting Mr. Željko Komšić, one of the Presidents of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnia is a multi-ethnic nation where the three main ethnic groups—Bosniaks, Croats, and Serbs—each have their own president, rotating leadership every eight months. It was an invaluable experience to learn directly from one of the leaders of a country with such a unique political system. President Komšić passionately spoke about the importance of young people learning about other cultures and how such experiences can have a positive impact on both us and the students of Bosnia. His words reinforced the significance of cultural exchange and reminded us of the incredible value this program offers. For lunch, we had the opportunity to try “Ćevapi,” a traditional Bosnian dish. The juicy, flavorful meat was absolutely delicious, allowing us to enjoy Bosnian culture through taste as well. In the afternoon, we attended the Japan Festa, where Bosnian students presented various performances, including class plays, dances, and band performances. Each act was highly entertaining and gave us a real sense of the lively and fun atmosphere of the Bosnian students. While we had planned to perform plays showcasing both Japanese and Bosnian cultures, due to logistical reasons, only the Bosnian cultural play was carried out. However, we are proud to say it was a success, and we felt a great sense of achievement after all our hard work. During our free time, we had the chance to engage in casual conversations with Bosnian students. We bonded over discussions about relationships, sharing laughter and creating joyful memories. While we can’t delve into details to respect everyone’s privacy, it was a moment that brought us closer together. This exchange program gave us the opportunity to explore new perspectives, foster friendships, and spend a truly enriching time together. We will cherish this experience and continue striving for further learning and growth in the future.



今日は朝から母方いとこの家族と共に、サラエボの南西部にあるビィェラシュニツァ山(Bjelašnica)へ登りました。この山は1984年に開催されたサラエボオリンピック時に、雪の競技が行われた場所です。車で山を登ると、町では考えられなかった快晴の空が広がっていました。周りが山に囲まれていて汚染された空気の逃げ場が無いため、地上では空が濁って見えるそうです。山ではソリを楽しみ、ボスニアでの家族の間で親しまれているレモンと蜂蜜の紅茶を飲んで休憩したりしました。夕方にはボスニア生達の学校へ行きました。明日の発表会へ向けてボスニアの文化と日本の文化に関する劇それぞれ2つのグループに別れてリハーサルを行いました。私はボスニアの文化についての劇を行い、バンドのギターリスト役を演じます。ボスニア生と日本生徒が互いにコミニュケーションをよくとり、より良い劇にしようと沢山努力しました。この練習を通してもお互いの文化についてよく理解ができました。リハーサルが終わった後、アヴァズツイストタワー(Avaz Twist Tower)の最上階にあるカフェ35へ行きました。ここはサラエボでの東京スカイツリーのようなものだと言っていて、地下5階、地上35階の176mのタワーです。夏場はオリンピックスタジアムなど、サラエボを一望することができます。カフェではボスニア生と日本生徒が共に机を囲み団欒をしたり、カラオケを楽しんだりして、リラックスしなががら相互理解を深めました。


On Sunday morning, I climbed Mount Bjelašnica and explored its surroundings, enjoying the fresh air and beautiful scenery. This mountain is located near Mount Igman, which served as the ski jumping venue during the 1984 Olympic Games. From the summit, I was surrounded by snow and had a breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains—something I could never experience in Tokyo. After exploring, I had lunch with my partner, Emma, her brother, her mother, and her father, making a group of five. I learned that Bosnian cuisine often uses pastry dough and includes many dishes made with cheese and chicken, which I found fascinating. That day, we ate pizza, and I enjoyed a delightful meal in the warm and welcoming atmosphere of their family.   In the afternoon, I returned home briefly to watch a video introducing Japan with my host family. After that, I joined Bosnian and Japanese students to rehearse a play. I play the role of a band member who plays the piano in the performance. Later, we went to the Avaz Twist Tower in the center of Sarajevo to enjoy karaoke. This tower is the tallest building in Bosnia and Herzegovina, standing approximately 142 meters high, with an observation deck on the top floor that offers a stunning view of Sarajevo’s cityscape and surrounding mountains.   We sang songs together, and some Bosnian students danced to the music, making it a refreshing and enjoyable day filled with new experiences. It was a precious opportunity for everyone to connect with different cultures. I hope to experience even more aspects of life in Bosnia before returning to Japan.



この2日間は、年末年始をボスニアで過ごすという貴重な経験をすることができました。 大晦日の朝は、サラエボのトレヴェヴィチ山に行きました。ケーブルカーを利用して山頂まで登り、絶景を楽しむことができました。山には雪が積もっており、みんなで雪遊びをして楽しい時間を過ごしました。 その後、ボスニアの伝統的な銅製陶器の専門店を訪れ、店主の方から陶器の歴史や製作工程について詳しく説明していただきました。この店は店主の先祖から代々受け継がれており、様々な小道具を用いて銅に模様を刻んでいくとのことでした。実際にしおりの製作過程を見せていただいたのですが、ノープランで作られるデザインだとは信じられないほど美しい模様が浮かび上がってくる様子がとても印象的でした。 夜は街で開催されたニューイヤーズパーティーに参加しました。このイベントにはボスニア周辺国から多くの人が訪れ、街全体が一層賑やかになっていました。シンガーの方々がステージで歌を披露しながら、年越しを祝う催しが行われました。日付が変わる瞬間には、シンガーによるカウントダウンの合図で参加者全員が一体となり、新年を迎える喜びを分かち合いました。年越しの瞬間には花火が打ち上げられ、冬の寒さを忘れさせるような熱気に包まれました。私自身、日本国外で年越しを迎えるのは初めての経験であり、非常に新鮮で楽しいひとときを過ごすことができました。 次の日は家族で山に行きました。元日から多くの人が訪れていて、山道には車の渋滞が発生するほどでした。実際に山に向かうと、スキーやソリ滑りをして楽しんでいる人で賑わっていました。自分もソリ滑りに挑戦し、急な斜面を猛スピードで駆け降りるスリルに圧倒されました。この日の体験で、さらにホストファミリーとの絆が深まったように感じ、とても嬉しかったです。 ボスニアで過ごす年末年始は、異文化を肌で感じるとともに、非常に充実感溢れる時間になりました。


On the morning of the 31st, we all went to the mountains. There I learned that the city of Bosnia is surrounded by mountains, which makes it difficult for air to flow and causes the fog. As we rode the gondola up the mountain, the fog disappeared and we saw the clear blue sky. It was the first sunlight I had seen since arriving in the country, and it felt so refreshing. The air was clear, and the snowy scenery was stunning as well.   After that, we went to the old part of the city, to a store selling copper products. There, we were shown how they hammer patterns into the copper and listened to explanations about it. They told us that, since metal is hard to get in Bosnia, people repurpose the bullets left over by processing them into accessories. I had never thought of using bullets in that way, so I found it to be an interesting and creative way to turn painful memories into something brighter. I decided to buy a copper bookmark from that store as a souvenir.   During free time, I enjoyed eating chimney cake and relaxed at a café famous for its cocktails. After that, I returned home and had lunch. It was a meat-based soup and a dish of vegetables mixed with rice topped with creamy chicken. I had been curious about what kind of rice dishes they had, and I was happy to try a local rice dish—it was delicious. After lunch, we ate cake together on the sofa while watching TV. During that time, they told me about concerts and how they spend New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.   After taking a short nap, we visited the home of my partner’s friends and had a little party. I ate snacks and chatted with my new friends while listening in advance to some of the songs that would be played at the upcoming concert. Everyone was so kind, and I was glad to have spent time with them.   Finally, we headed to the concert. It was crowded and cold, but thanks to having heard some of the songs beforehand, I was able to enjoy the music. Because it was a famous artist, people had gathered not only from Bosnia but also from various surrounding countries, energetically enjoying the music. Spending time with others and welcoming the New Year together, and enjoying music felt similar to my past New Year’s experiences in Japan, but the location, scale, and energy were definitely different, offering a uniquely Bosnian experience.   On the 1st, I went to the mountains with my host family. After a short walk, we sledded through the snow. It was nice to see the sun for two days in a row, and I had a lot of fun. After that, we had lunch and enjoyed watching a movie together, which was a great opportunity to enjoy talking with my host family. In the evening, I spent time at a café with  my friends and then went home to watch a music program.   It was busier than how I usually spend New Year’s in Japan, but celebrating with so many different people was also kind of fun. It was a great time for me to experience such events abroad.



今日はサラエボからバスにおよそ1時間30分乗り、トラブニクという街まで行きました。まずはカフェでケーキをいただきました。 その後は、ボスニアの昔の暮らしや、日本人との繋がりを学ぶことのできるミュージアムを訪れました。 ここでの昔の暮らしに関しての説明は、 1.ボスニアで昔の暮らしは、宗教や地域に関係なく小さな家で暮らしていた。 2.家が小さかったので、スペースを取らないために机は壁に立てかけられていて、ふとんは床に敷いていた。(畳んでしまえるようにするため) といった物でした。 ここで個人的に驚いたことは、昔の暮らしはヨーロッパにあるボスニアもアジアにある日本も大きくは変わらないということです。気候も宗教も周りの環境も大きく違い、遠く離れた国でも、同じようなスタイルの家に住んでいたということは衝撃的でした。 続いて日本との繋がりに関しての説明では、2つの本が紹介されました。 1つ目は『現代東欧幻想小説』、2つ目は『ボスニア物語』です。これらはボスニア語で書かれていますが日本語に翻訳されています。 続いて現代東欧幻想小説を翻訳した 『田中一生』という日本人が紹介されました。田中一生さんは、バルカン半島、中でもユーゴスラビアに深い関心を持ち、その文化や歴史を日本に伝えてきた人です。現地の人は、この人が今までやってきた日本にユーゴスラビアを伝える活動に関して深い敬意を持っているようでした。自分たちもこの人のように、日本とボスニア・旧ユーゴスラビアを繋げられる存在になれればと感じました。 その後は、トラブニクの街が一望できる城に行き伝統衣装を着たり、色とりどりのモスクを見たり、雪合戦をしたりして楽しい時間を過ごしました。 また途中の時間ではお互いの言語のフレーズについて教えあったり、こちらも楽しい時間を過ごせました。 サラエボに戻った後は、家に帰りました。夜の時間には、日本を紹介するTV番組がちょうど放送されていてそれをホストファザーと共に見ました。私もそのTVに付け加える形で日本の街や暮らしについて紹介したら、とても喜んで興味を持ってくれました。 残り短い滞在ですか残りの期間も、楽しく充実した日々にしたいと思っています。


Today we all went to a city called Travnik. We drove a bus for a hour and a half and went to the city. At the city, we forest went to the cafe and after that, we went to a house that was about an author called Ivan Radeljić. One of the books is also in Japanese, so I am planning to read it when I return to Japan. The house in Bosnia in the past has a lot of similarities with Japanese houses. First I surprised that they did not used chairs when they eat at the table. I thought this was only in Japan. The other one is that in Bosnia, they also take off their shoes inside. When I knew the similarities with our country and Bosnia, I felt more closer to each other. After visiting the house,  we went on a walk. By using translation apps, we spoke in Japanese, and it was so fun teaching words to each other. Next, we went to a castle in Travnik. The castle is one of the ones that had no damage during the wall. We dressed like prince and princesses, and it was very fun acting like them. Because the castle was located next to the mountains, the sight was very beautiful. We also played with the snow and is was very fun too. After that, we had free time. With my partners and friends, we visited the cafe. The heard that is common for people visiting the cafe. They told us that even they are busy, they think that visiting cafes and having coffee is very important for their lives. We talked about our school and hobbies, and we had a good time together. During the day I learned the similarities and differences between Bosnia and Japan and we had a very good time.